Tuesday, 21 May 2013

PJs and Pancakes

I love doing things with my family. Whether it's a drive, a mini vacation, playing board games, vegging out and watching re-runs of Modern Family....I love doing them all. Some are more special than others and some more memorable. It's not the big events but casual, non-rushed long weekends where nothing's planned but something happens that's most special. It's our PJ's and pancakes moments.

I am very much into eating non-gmo food now. I read every label, check it against my "dump-it" list and as a result, regular grocery shopping is now an event all on its own. So instead of the Aunt Jemima (I think I spelled that correctly) pancake mix, it's the wheat free, non-gmo, organic kamut pancake mix that gets added to the cart. My daughter welcomes it with open arms. My son and husband on the other hand are a much harder sell. I mix the batter with bananas or strawberries hoping its fresh, raw taste is cleverly disguised. It works most of the time.

A lazy Saturday morning starts off with some delegation to get all the ingredients and equipment ready for a late pancake breakfast. The rest of the sleepy-heads (usually my son) wakes up to the aroma of pancakes and bananas. He asks me what batter I used to which I instantly I respond...."the normal one"!! I suspect he thinks normal is the regular wheat and corn starch filled batter, found at regular grocery stores, but I'm not going to tell him otherwise. We each find our Saturday morning spots in the family room and dig in! Saturday morning quickly turns into Saturday afternoon and then the flurry of activity starts off and everyone's off doing their thing. Hmm....

I've learned that;
  • Pancakes come in several shapes, sizes and expertise. You don't have to be an expert at it to wow your family. They love what you make anyway if it's disguised the way they like it.
  • The aroma of pancakes on a Saturday is special. It reminds you of coziness, warmth, good maple syrup and family.
  • Pretty much anyone can make pancakes without ruining them.
  • Pancakes are best eaten with family.
  • I've learned that I love the big events, the fan fare, the travels but I love the PJ's and pancake moments even more!
Go have your PJ's and pancakes moment!

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Grudges are like little cancerous cells that eat at you slowly

Ever had a grudge with anyone? Please contact me if your answer is no. I would like to talk to you. We've all had a grudge with someone at some point or another. They may have said the wrong thing, rubbed you the wrong way or done something quite unforgivable. Your grudge may start with annoyance, to dislike, to a negative feeling that just doesn't go away. Like the little acorn that grows into an oak, this tiny little grudge grows into something quite large that can't be shaken off that easily. Before you know it, your little grudge has made shelter and turned its tiny spot into a full blown warehouse with underground parking and all.

The sad fact is that this grudge can eat away at you like a cancerous tumour. Your mood changes, you feel irksome, you are short tempered, you feel sick and are not yourself. It keeps chipping away at you until it gets the most of you.

I have learned to let my grudges go. I flick them away like a stray piece of bread crumb at a picnic table. Forgive and forget they say, and if you cannot forgive then move on! It doesn't deserve an ounce of your thought or time for that matter so don't give it that precedence. You just end up feeding the little tumour.
  • Let grudges go. They don't deserve the attention they usually get!
  • Do forgive and forget. Life is way too short to be annoyed at anyone or anything for too long. It does feel good to forgive and if you really can't do that then just move on. Don't give it a second thought. Not ever.
  • Ask yourself if it's really that important. Most times it's not. So, get off of that petty chair and patch things up.
  • Grudge rhymes with sludge. They also mean about the same thing, with the difference being one's internal (and it's not sludge!!)
  • Be free! Live free! It's never fun carrying a lot of baggage.

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Lessons learned from Fifi - always wear good shoes!

Fifi, aka my sister always wore good shoes. It was hilarious to see her strutting around the house when she was little with her long skinny legs and mom's heels. This was a normal occurrence, hence the name Fifi. It suited her to a tee. It's funny how that personality carried through to adult hood. No matter what the circumstance or occasion, you will always see her in a "much to be envied" pair of shoes.

Flip flops were my mode of footwear. I wore it to the pool, the mall and even to parties. I wore it with pride and didn't care what anyone had to say or think. As time went by and with much egging on by Fifi, I did see the benefits of her colourful stilettos. It livened any mood, made you feel great and you really did look like a million bucks wearing them. So instead of a wardrobe full of colourful rubber flip flops, I am now the proud owner of a variety of colourful wedges, espadrilles, pumps, peep toes, sling back, booties and boots. It's become a passion to shop for shoes. The bolder and brighter the better. I still have my trusted flip flops in black and brown. They do bring me joy when I wear them now and then. But to feel like I'm strutting the catwalk I need to pull out the "Fifi" shoes. Thanks, Fifi for not giving up on me and expanding my shoe vocabulary!
  • Whether you are a guy or gal, wear good shoes. People do take notice.
  • You don't get dirty looks walking into stores when you have great shoes on. You do if you don't.
  • When you feel under the weather, put on a pair of fancy shoes. They liven you up instantly.
  • A boring outfit can be brought to life with a pair of cool shoes.
  • "A shoe has so much more to offer than just to walk" ~ Christian Louboutin. "One day I will own one of these Red Soles!" ~ Tehani Mott

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Don't be a wallflower...not ever!

Here's what Wikipedia defines as a "wallflower"..."In social situations, a wallflower is a shy or unpopular individual who doesn't socialize or participate in activities at social events. He or she may have other talents but usually does not express them in the presence of other individuals"

Of course everyone has talents. Some genuinely have more than others and some may think they have talent in some area but who will let them know otherwise? In any event everyone has some sort of talent... be it singing, dancing, entertaining, cooking, leading people, motivating them, the list can go on. If you have not yet figured out what your talent is, then find it. You have something that you do better than anyone else, that is unique to you. Find it and share it as it serves no purpose keeping it hidden! That's why I say, "don't be a wallflower"!

There maybe times where being a wallflower may serve its purpose. Unless you are a secret service agent, the moments of appropriately being a wallflower are few and far between. They also should be brief whenever present. Personally, I think it's selfish to have a talent and not share it with the world. I don't mean the "world" literally but what I mean is those around you. Those that can benefit and enjoy the talent you have. Your community, school, work place, your friends and family. Don't be a wallflower! It's selfish in my books and not to be tolerated.
  • Never be afraid to share your talents. Not only will it enrich you but it may also enrich someone else.
  • Participate. Just being present and taking up space is not good enough. There's plenty of "space takers" in a growing world, don't be one of them or one of those things! Even big space takers like rocks offer up a purpose. They can be collected, admired or climbed.
  • Know what you are good at. If you don't know, try finding it. The journey you take to find it will improve yourself and grace others. Even singing off key starts laughter in the room.
  • Unless you are in a library or at the theatre being a quiet participant is not an option. You don't have to be loud, but you do have to be involved. See bullet #2 again.
  • Step out. Enjoy life. Participate. Share your ideas and talents with others. You are here in this world for a reason. Fulfill it, or at least try to!

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Don't get sucked in!

Is it just me or is there that much more negativity around us these days? Conversation seems to be that of bitching, complaining or whining about someone or something. It weighs you down, leaving you feeling heavy and miserable.

Can you spot the negative Nellies? No matter what the circumstance they always have something negative to say or complain about. Nothing is ever satisfactory or good enough. Something bad is ALWAYS happening to them and they can't help but complain about life incessantly.

Just as you can spot the negative Nelly, so can you pick out the positive Pollies or Petes as some would say. It's refreshing to be around them. They are the folks that choose to make the best of things. They look on the bright side of life. They leave you feeling good and happy. They leave you with a smile.

I am drawn to positive Pollies. Maybe because I am a positive Polly myself. We all have our off days but for the most part you are either a negative Nelly or a positive Polly. Which one will you choose to be?

  • Stay positive.... don't get sucked in to the negativity. Move away or change the topic. Misery loves company and you don't have to be the company they seek.
  • Be the light everyone draws towards.
  • Don't take life seriously. Whatever negative circumstance you are going through there is someone who's going through much worse.
  • Choose how you react to every situation. You do have the choice of being negative or turning it into a positive one. 
  • Be selective. You do become the company you keep.
  • Don't get sucked in! Life is way too short to be bitching and complaining or to be miserable for that matter.