Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Yep, I have a horn of plenty!

Cornucopia; commonly seen around Thanksgiving time, is a symbol of abundance, plenty, fruit, nourishment and colour. It was around the Canadian tables, mid-October, and will show off its’ autumn hues again on the American tables, end of November. Coming from an Asian country I knew nothing of its’ symbolism and existence until I settled in Canada. It is a great reminder of things to be thankful for, the one day of the year. If only it permanently stays the full 365 days of the year and 366 days every leap year!! Would it then help us remember the abundance in our lives? The things we take for granted daily? The little things we should be thankful for that others may not have the privilege to experience or have?

Alli Polin reminded me of this with her blog on “Ditch the Stress; Choose Gratitude” If you haven’t read it yet I highly recommend you do. I did, which inspired this post on being thankful and here is my list of things I am VERY thankful for;

  1. My Husband, Son and Daughter…yes that’s three but they are all #1 on my list and the reason for ALL I do and am.
  2. My Dad, Mom, Sister and Brother (I hate the word brother in law) in Texas, who know, that even though I don’t say it often, I love them with all my heart.
  3. Wonderful, crazy, fun and awesome friends. They keep me young and happy.
  4. My God. My faith!
  5. I am thankful for the roof over my head. I see people on my daily commute who live under a bridge in Toronto. They are people just like you and me, but some circumstance in life got them there. Don’t judge!!
  6. My country. Yes, even in winter I love it!
  7. My job, which I don’t consider a job. It’s my opportunity to serve.
  8. Good health.
  9. My church community.
  10. Social media and the amazing people I connect through it. They inspire me daily on my commute to work and back home. Also, without it, I wouldn’t be writing this post.
  11. My online communities; #LeadWithGiants, #LeadFromWithin and #HRockstars. They keep me learning and motivated.
  12. The honourable men and women that serve to protect us and our freedoms.
  13. Shoes and handbags…. thank you sister for making me appreciate them!
  14. Hockey games, specially my son’s! It keeps my vocal cords strong.
  15. My daughter’s Cheerleading. It keeps us traveling often.
  16. The Canadian Mental Health Association, Peel and the Board members I serve with. They have given me an opportunity to do something good.
  17. Music…. all kinds of music.
  18. Good food.
  19. A seat on the GO train. It’s a precious thing in the morning.
  20. The great times I have with my family.
  21. Board games which happens to also contribute to #18.
  22. Good movies. Gladiator is #1 on my list of faves.
  23. Joe, the paper man near the subway, who always smiles and says good morning to everyone bustling by. I wish more people would smile back at the very least!
  24. My life, just the way it is!
  25. Swimming. It has taught me a TON. I now miss those grueling days dearly.
  26. Family vacations.
  27. Lilly at Tim Horton’s. She always serves me my coffee with a GIANT smile.
  28. Tim Horton’s coffee. It’s certainly not the best but gives me comfort.
  29. I am thankful for YOU, for reading this.
  30. My family as a whole. They’ve shaped me and continue to do so everyday!
Thanks again for reading! I hope it has inspired you and was worth your time. Do jot down your list of things you are thankful for. I did! Thanks, Alli Polin for that inspiration!