Tuesday 7 May 2013

Don't be a wallflower...not ever!

Here's what Wikipedia defines as a "wallflower"..."In social situations, a wallflower is a shy or unpopular individual who doesn't socialize or participate in activities at social events. He or she may have other talents but usually does not express them in the presence of other individuals"

Of course everyone has talents. Some genuinely have more than others and some may think they have talent in some area but who will let them know otherwise? In any event everyone has some sort of talent... be it singing, dancing, entertaining, cooking, leading people, motivating them, the list can go on. If you have not yet figured out what your talent is, then find it. You have something that you do better than anyone else, that is unique to you. Find it and share it as it serves no purpose keeping it hidden! That's why I say, "don't be a wallflower"!

There maybe times where being a wallflower may serve its purpose. Unless you are a secret service agent, the moments of appropriately being a wallflower are few and far between. They also should be brief whenever present. Personally, I think it's selfish to have a talent and not share it with the world. I don't mean the "world" literally but what I mean is those around you. Those that can benefit and enjoy the talent you have. Your community, school, work place, your friends and family. Don't be a wallflower! It's selfish in my books and not to be tolerated.
  • Never be afraid to share your talents. Not only will it enrich you but it may also enrich someone else.
  • Participate. Just being present and taking up space is not good enough. There's plenty of "space takers" in a growing world, don't be one of them or one of those things! Even big space takers like rocks offer up a purpose. They can be collected, admired or climbed.
  • Know what you are good at. If you don't know, try finding it. The journey you take to find it will improve yourself and grace others. Even singing off key starts laughter in the room.
  • Unless you are in a library or at the theatre being a quiet participant is not an option. You don't have to be loud, but you do have to be involved. See bullet #2 again.
  • Step out. Enjoy life. Participate. Share your ideas and talents with others. You are here in this world for a reason. Fulfill it, or at least try to!


  1. Ah ! Tehani !
    I'm simply amazed by how direct and candid you are... how refreshing and I feel you're coming from a so generous space in your advice.
    How grateful of you. I really feel privileged to have connected with you.
    #Livinglarge as you say :)

    1. Thanks so much Johann! Funny but that's one of the names I wanted for my son but hubby adamantly said no as everyone would call him "Jo-hane". Yes the intention was to push people to share their talents to the world. What a difference everyone can make by contributing big or small! Thanks so much for sharing and giving me your feedback. It's much appreciated! T
