Wednesday 1 May 2013

Don't get sucked in!

Is it just me or is there that much more negativity around us these days? Conversation seems to be that of bitching, complaining or whining about someone or something. It weighs you down, leaving you feeling heavy and miserable.

Can you spot the negative Nellies? No matter what the circumstance they always have something negative to say or complain about. Nothing is ever satisfactory or good enough. Something bad is ALWAYS happening to them and they can't help but complain about life incessantly.

Just as you can spot the negative Nelly, so can you pick out the positive Pollies or Petes as some would say. It's refreshing to be around them. They are the folks that choose to make the best of things. They look on the bright side of life. They leave you feeling good and happy. They leave you with a smile.

I am drawn to positive Pollies. Maybe because I am a positive Polly myself. We all have our off days but for the most part you are either a negative Nelly or a positive Polly. Which one will you choose to be?

  • Stay positive.... don't get sucked in to the negativity. Move away or change the topic. Misery loves company and you don't have to be the company they seek.
  • Be the light everyone draws towards.
  • Don't take life seriously. Whatever negative circumstance you are going through there is someone who's going through much worse.
  • Choose how you react to every situation. You do have the choice of being negative or turning it into a positive one. 
  • Be selective. You do become the company you keep.
  • Don't get sucked in! Life is way too short to be bitching and complaining or to be miserable for that matter.

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